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You received a coupon code to watch The Illusionists for free – awesome!
Here is a step-by-step guide that will show you how you can redeem the coupon.
Did you enjoy The Illusionists? Here is what you could do to help spread the word about our film.
You enjoyed The Illusionists so much that you’d love to send a copy of the film to a friend or loved one. That’s super easy to do:
We’d love to add your voice to our review page!
You can email us a blurb.
We’ve already had phenomenal press coverage in places like Vogue Italy, New York Magazine’s The Cut, Mic, and TeenVogue – to name a few. But this was BEFORE The Illusionists was ready for distribution. We need press coverage now more than ever, so if you have any contacts in the press, please let us know via email. Our press kit is available here.
If you know anyone who may fit the profile, please email us.
If so, we’d love to include them in the next class of “Illusionists 100” ambassadors and send them a free copy of the film.
Email us the details and we’ll add them to our list!