running time: 85 min (director’s cut); 52 min (educational)
format: HD (1080p)
languages: English, French, Japanese, Italian (with English subtitles)
original music by: STAL
Watch the Film
The director’s cut of The Illusionists (85 minute version) is now available on VHX.tv for home use*. You can rent it for $4.99 or buy it (as a digital download) for $8.99.
Schools and non-profits interested in The Illusionists must buy an educational license from the Media Education Foundation (see on the right). The version available on VHX does not cover academic institutions, libraries, or any type of public screening.
The educational version of the film (52 minutes) is now out, distributed by the Media Education Foundation. Order THE ILLUSIONISTS for your school, library or non-profit:

What’s Next?
Director Elena Rossini is currently working on The Illusionists‘ sequel – The Realists – which will focus on the dark side of online advertising, surveillance capitalism, microtargeting and the quest by Big Tech to create ideal consumers in this brave new digital age.
Find out more about this new documentary, which is currently in production: