advertisingfashionfeminismsexismTV commercials August 3, 2011 Once Upon a Time: Strong, Successful Women in TV Ads In the early 1990s many beauty commercials featured strong, confident businesswomen. The underlying message: this… Elena Rossini 1 Love0
"The Illusionists" documentarychange for the better June 29, 2011 30 Reasons Why I’m Making The Illusionists (and I’m Funding It Independently) #1: For my eight wonderful nieces (aged 2 – 13) and for girls the world… Elena Rossini 8 Love0
bodychange for the betterfeminismself-image February 27, 2009 Beyond the Beauty Myth Naomi Wolf writes in the final pages of her book The Beauty Myth: The terrible… Elena Rossini 0 Love0