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From the Sidney Morning Herald:

Welcome to the new face of teen magazines. Indigo, a magazine started by a group of women in Victoria last year and headed by Barwon Heads mother Leanne Koster, emphasises real girls and their achievements, not celebrities and fashion.

The most recent issue included images of everyday girls and their stories, interviews with successful young women, pieces about the environment as well as creative activity ideas.

The philosophy behind the magazine? “When girls flick through the pages of the mag, they can see themselves,” editor Freya Holland says.

The launch of Indigo came in a year when teen mags stopped simply being hot property in schools and became the subject of intense public scrutiny.

The federal Minister for Youth, Kate Ellis, spoke out about the devastating effects of poor body image, linking the problem to the types of media girls and young women consume. Ellis announced a National Media and Industry Code of Conduct on Body Image, which demands labelling of airbrushed images in women’s magazines and the diversification of models’ size and shape.

Full article here.