airbrushingbodycensorshipcontradictory-messagescorporate hypocrisyexploitationhidden propagandaimage manipulationmediaprintself-imagetwitterwomen's magazines November 21, 2009 Was She or Wasn't She? Demi Moore and the Controversial W Cover From Although Demi Moore has denied that her W cover was dramatically Photoshopped to… Elena Rossini 2 Love0
adbustingadvertisingbodychange for the bettercontradictory-messagescorporate hypocrisydiscriminationexploitationobjectificationself-imageTV commercials November 18, 2009 And the Award for Most Hypocritical Ad Agency Goes To… These awful, über-sexist Reebok EasyTone ads were conceived by the ad agency DDB Chicago: Now,… Elena Rossini 1 Love0
airbrushingbodycensorshipchildrenhidden propagandaimage manipulationmedianew marketsprintself-image November 17, 2009 "Baby images airbrushed by magazines to make them more perfect" File under: Duh! Should we be surprised? From today's Telegraph (UK): Babies' eye colour, skin… Elena Rossini 0 Love0
bodycontradictory-messagescorporate hypocrisyexploitationhidden propagandaresearchself-imageskin July 11, 2009 Body Outlaws Last night I had dinner with a couple of friends. Christine, one of them, had… Elena Rossini Love0