airbrushingbadvertisingbodycensorshipcontradictory-messagescorporate hypocrisyexploitationfashionhidden propagandaimage manipulationmediaprintprint adsPSAself-imagesubliminal advertisingwomen's magazines November 22, 2011 Marie Claire South Africa: “Love Your Body” Special Issue A couple of weeks ago I read that the November 2011 issue of Marie Claire… Elena Rossini 8 Love1
bodydietinghidden propagandamediaprintresearchwomen's magazines November 18, 2011 From Queen of the Household to… Beauty Queen I'm currently re-reading Naomi Wolf's "The Beauty Myth" for the umpteenth time. Here's an interesting… Elena Rossini 0 Love0
bodyprintresearchwomen's magazines November 13, 2011 What We’re Reading A collection of links from this week's top stories – on beauty, fashion, and advertising. Elena Rossini 1 Love0
"The Illusionists" documentarybodycontradictory-messagesdietingguest posthidden propagandaself-imagewomen's magazines June 28, 2011 Guest Post: The Politics of Postpartum Bodies I'm really excited to share with you this article by Dr. Jessica Zucker, a psychotherapist… Elena Rossini 1 Love0