bodychildrenguest postself-image March 14, 2012 Guest Post: Maternal Self-Esteem by Dr. Jessica Zucker A guest post by Dr. Jessica Zucker about body anxiety and maternal self-esteem. Elena Rossini 0 Love0
"The Illusionists" documentarybodycontradictory-messagesdietingguest posthidden propagandaself-imagewomen's magazines June 28, 2011 Guest Post: The Politics of Postpartum Bodies I'm really excited to share with you this article by Dr. Jessica Zucker, a psychotherapist… Elena Rossini 1 Love0
bodychange for the betterchildrendietinghealthself-image March 3, 2009 Breaking Taboos: Mothers Talk About Body Image Issues Post-Pregnancy Illusionists, step aside. Let's focus on some "realists." In this clip, prominent bloggers discuss the… Elena Rossini 1 Love0