agingairbrushingcorporate hypocrisymediaprintself-imagesexism January 29, 2009 Airbrushing Double Standard: Brad Pitt vs. Sarah Palin In October 2008, Newsweek magazine put an unretouched photo of Sarah Palin (b. 1964) on… Elena Rossini 2 Love0
advertisingageismbodyBotoxcosmetic surgerydiscriminationhealthself-imageTV commercials January 29, 2009 Frown-inducing infomercial for Botox via the blog "Center and Periphery" – whose author wrote a really insightful post about… Elena Rossini 0 Love0
bodyBotoxbreast surgerycorporate hypocrisycosmetic surgeryhealthhidden propagandamediaself-imagetelevision January 26, 2009 ScienceDaily: "Makeover Shows Correspond With Increased Body Anxiety" Excerpt: “The Swan.” “I Want a Famous Face.” “Dr. 90210.” “Extreme Makeover.” “Nip/Tuck.” The list… Elena Rossini Love0
bodychange for the betterchildrenconsumerismhidden propagandanew marketsself-imagetoys January 23, 2009 My Heroes: the Barbie Liberation Organization The Barbie Liberation Organization swapped the speech mechanisms of the Talking Barbies with those of… Elena Rossini Love0