agingbodychildrenconsumerismcorporate hypocrisycosmetic surgeryexploitationhidden propagandaKGOYmedianew marketsself-imageskinteenagerstelevisionwomen's magazines March 31, 2009 From Newsweek: Generation Diva From Newsweek: "Generation Diva. How our obsession with beauty is changing our kids." Written by… Elena Rossini 1 Love0
childrenconsumerismcorporate hypocrisyhidden propagandaKGOYnew marketstoys March 9, 2009 Barbie's 50th Birthday Barbie may be turning 50 today, but the doll it was modeled on, its doppelganger,… Elena Rossini 1 Love0
ageismbodyconsumerismdiscriminationexploitationfilm-mediahidden propagandamediaobjectificationself-imagesexismtelevision March 2, 2009 Celluloid Sexism : How Hollywood Contributes to the Beauty Myth Two insightful articles about sexism in cinema have recently appeared in British newspapers. From the… Elena Rossini 2 Love0
advertisingchildrenconsumerismcontradictory-messagescorporate hypocrisyhidden propagandaKGOYnew marketsPSAtoysTV commercials February 21, 2009 An Egregious Example of Corporate Hypocrisy, Part II: Barbie dolls Last October, I wrote a post unmasking Dove's corporate hypocrisy and cynicism. Today, I discovered… Elena Rossini 1 Love0