advertisingbodychange for the betterfeminisminspiring womenmediaracismself-imageskin June 1, 2009 The Power of Self-Esteem From the Washington Post's "On Being" video series: an interview of make-up artist Bailey Orenia-Sessoms… Elena Rossini 1 Love0
advertisingcontradictory-messagescorporate hypocrisydiscriminationhidden propagandainternetmediasexism May 20, 2009 Sprint #FAIL Slate magazine recently launched Double X, a blog devoted to women's issues, which feels like… Elena Rossini 1 Love0
bodychange for the bettercontradictory-messagesdietingfashioninspiring womenmediaprintself-imagewomen's magazines April 15, 2009 Scarlett Johansson: "The Skinny" Scarlett Johansson just wrote an article for the Huffington Post, speaking out about the media's… Elena Rossini 0 Love0
discriminationhidden propagandamediaobjectificationpoliticsprintsexism April 14, 2009 Sexism Watch: Newspapers. Because Women Belong to the Style Section While skimming through the Washington Post on the web, my eyes were drawn to a… Elena Rossini 0 Love0