agingbodycorporate hypocrisydieting May 17, 2011 The Beauty Product of the Century Yesterday in Milan I spotted the beauty product of the century - tackling three issues… Elena Rossini 0 Love1
advertisingageismagingbadvertisingbodyprint adsskin April 6, 2010 Annals of Badvertising: Does Your Husband Look Younger than You Do? This anti-wrinkle ad from the 1920s invites women over the age of 30 to purchase… Elena Rossini 0 Love0
advertisingbodyBotoxbreast surgerycorporate hypocrisycosmetic surgeryexploitationprint adsself-imageskin May 17, 2009 The Ugly Truth about Cosmetics' Claims Last month, during a brief stay in Italy to visit my family, I noticed a… Elena Rossini 1 Love0
adbustingadvertisingagingbodychange for the betterfeminisminternetself-imageskinTV commercials February 24, 2009 Sarah Haskins – Target Women: Skin Care Sarah Haskins is my hero: check out this hilarious Target Women segment: Elena Rossini 0 Love0