advertisingbodybreast surgeryexploitationinternetmediaself-imagesexismsubliminal advertisingTV commercials February 3, 2009 Annals of Obscenely Offensive Advertising : Fleggaard From Denmark, here is an ad/featurette promoting a web site selling discounted surplus merchandise (in… Elena Rossini 0 Love0
bodybreast surgerycontradictory-messagescorporate hypocrisycosmetic surgeryhealthhidden propagandamediaprintself-image January 21, 2009 Wired: "Today's Playmates Are More Like Anime Figures Than Real Humans" Excerpt: On the touchy subject of implants, Playboy's policy seems to be don't ask, don't… Elena Rossini Love0
bodybreast surgerycosmetic surgeryhealthhidden propagandamediaself-imagetelevision January 18, 2009 Teens & Breast Surgery Tristesse. Most depressing quote, about a 13 year old who wants to get breast implants:… Elena Rossini Love0
bodybreast surgerycontradictory-messagescosmetic surgerydietinghealthhidden propagandamediaprintself-imagetelevisionwomen's magazines January 7, 2009 : Mommy Makeovers Inspired by Celebrities "Forget facials and pedicures. Today's new moms want tummy tucks and breast lifts." Excerpt: The… Elena Rossini Love0