change for the betterdiscriminationdiversityeventsfeminismpoliticssexism International Women’s Day with La Barbe I have been closely following the activities of the group "La Barbe" for over a…Elena RossiniMarch 9, 2012
adbustingadvertisingbadvertisingchange for the betterchildrencorporate hypocrisydiscriminationhidden propagandaKGOYnew marketssexismsexualizationtoysTV commercials The Gendered Advertising Remixer "Fair-use remix video can be a fantastic way to combine critical media literacy, technical skills…Elena RossiniFebruary 23, 2012
announcementschange for the betterfeminisminspiring women Fifty Nude Women: Looking for a Part-Time Marketing Assistant for Body Positive Short Film Margot Roth, a filmmaker friend who made a wonderful short film called FIFTY NUDE WOMEN:…Elena RossiniFebruary 13, 2012