agingbodychildrenconsumerismcorporate hypocrisycosmetic surgeryexploitationhidden propagandaKGOYmedianew marketsself-imageskinteenagerstelevisionwomen's magazines March 31, 2009 From Newsweek: Generation Diva From Newsweek: "Generation Diva. How our obsession with beauty is changing our kids." Written by… Elena Rossini 1 Love0
advertisingbodychildrencorporate hypocrisyhidden propagandaKGOYnew marketsracismself-imagetoysTV commercials March 7, 2009 Because Every Little Chinese Girl Dreams of Being a Blond Haired, Blue-Eyed Shopaholic According to this story on NPR, Mattel recently opened a six-story Barbie flagship store in… Elena Rossini Love0
bodycontradictory-messagescorporate hypocrisydiscriminationmediamennew marketsobjectificationprintself-imagesexismwomen's magazines March 6, 2009 Funny Ha-Ha or Just Plain Lame? (Vanity UNfair) Entertainment Weekly's blog has an interesting post about the latest issue of Vanity Fair. Judd… Elena Rossini 0 Love0
advertisingagingbodyexploitationhidden propagandaprint adsself-imageskin March 4, 2009 The Beauty Myth's Next Victims What do you do when the home economy is in a slump and sales are… Elena Rossini 0 Love0