advertisingairbrushingbadvertisingcorporate hypocrisyhidden propagandaimage manipulationobjectificationprint ads September 3, 2010 Badvertising: Photoshop Lessons THE ILLUSIONISTS is a feature-length documentary about the marketing of unattainable beauty around the world.… Elena Rossini 4 Love0
advertisingbadvertisingcorporate hypocrisyexploitationfashionobjectificationsexism September 2, 2010 Objectification Run Amok: Perrier Water I have been researching the topic of women's portrayal in advertising, mass media, and popular… Elena Rossini 8 Love0
advertisingbadvertisingbillboardshidden propagandaobjectificationprint adssexismsubliminal advertising August 3, 2010 Badvertising in Paris: The Grades Are In Yesterday I went on an evening stroll around the Left Bank's 13th arrondissement. My goal:… Elena Rossini 10 Love0
"The Illusionists" documentarybodyobjectification July 30, 2010 Ways of Seeing & Ideal Women in Popular Culture Earlier this week, I was quickly skimming through the latest posts on the wonderful… Elena Rossini 1 Love0