bodychange for the bettercontradictory-messagesdietingfashioninspiring womenmediaprintself-imagewomen's magazines Scarlett Johansson: "The Skinny" Scarlett Johansson just wrote an article for the Huffington Post, speaking out about the media's…Elena RossiniApril 15, 2009
discriminationhidden propagandamediaobjectificationpoliticsprintsexism Sexism Watch: Newspapers. Because Women Belong to the Style Section While skimming through the Washington Post on the web, my eyes were drawn to a…Elena RossiniApril 14, 2009
advertisingbodyTV commercials Annals of Ridiculous Advertising: Schick Quattro "Mown the Lawn!" I just feel bad for the starry-eyed actresses/models in the ad - yearning for a…Elena RossiniApril 9, 2009
advertisingchildrencorporate hypocrisyexploitationfashionfeminismfilm-mediahidden propagandainternetmediamusic videosnew marketsprintsexismteenagerstelevisionTV commercialswomen's magazines MEF: Generation M The Media Education Foundation is one of my favorite organizations: they produce and distribute "documentary…Elena RossiniApril 7, 2009
change for the betterfeminisminspiring women A Real Role Model: Jacqueline Novogratz From Slate magazine: A Banker Bridges the Wealth Gap – A podcast with Jacqueline Novogratz.…Elena RossiniApril 3, 2009
advertisingcorporate hypocrisydiscriminationexploitationhidden propagandamediaobjectificationprintsexismtelevisionTV commercials The Hall of Fame of Misogynist Adverts – Car Edition Before you go any further, please just stop for a second and contemplate the fact…Elena RossiniApril 2, 2009
advertisingdiscriminationexploitationhidden propagandanew marketsobjectificationprint adssexismteenagers Annals of Offensive Advertising: Nikon “The Nikon S60. Detects up to 12 faces.” The campaign was produced by the ad…Elena RossiniApril 1, 2009
change for the betterfeminisminspiring women 10 Ways to Give to Women and Girls via World Pulse - Global Issues through the Eyes of Women It’s a tragic paradox.…Elena RossiniApril 1, 2009
bodychange for the betterchildrendiscriminationexploitationfeminisminspiring womeninternetnew marketsracismself-imageskinteenagers A Girl Like Me Yesterday, the blog Jezebel discussed a recent segment that ran on ABC's Good Morning America:…Elena RossiniApril 1, 2009