bodydietinginternetmedia literacyobjectificationself-imagesexismtelevision September 28, 2012 Top Stories of the Month – September 2012 A selection of articles on body image and media literacy issues. About Face: Not wearing… Elena Rossini 0 Love0
advertisingbodycorporate hypocrisydiscriminationexploitationfeminismfilm-mediahidden propagandamediaobjectificationprintsexismtelevisionwomen's magazines March 12, 2009 My Italian TV Hell In January 2003, the Financial Times published an article by Tobias Jones about the state… Elena Rossini Love0
discriminationexploitationmediaobjectificationsexismtelevision March 11, 2009 Italian TV = PUTRID No need to speak Italian to understand the I.Q. lowering, rotten quality of Italian TV.… Elena Rossini 0 Love0
bodychildrencontradictory-messagesexploitationKGOYmedianew marketsself-imagetelevision February 3, 2009 Dept. of Cringe-Inducing TV Shows: Toddlers & Tiaras The Learning Channel (TLC), owned by Discovery Commmunications, has a new reality TV series called… Elena Rossini 0 Love0