bodybreast surgerycorporate hypocrisyfilm-mediamediaprintself-image Australia Bans Images of Small Breasted Women I have recently received an email from a dear friend, outraged at the announcement that…Elena RossiniFebruary 4, 2010
bodyfashionhidden propagandainspiring womenprintself-imagewomen's magazines Fighting the Beauty Myth, One Cartoon at a Time For more amazing cartoons by the über-talented Cathy Thorne, visit her site: everydaypeoplecartoons.comElena RossiniFebruary 3, 2010
bodyfashionself-image Guest Post: "Paris Gyms: a Spectacle" Intrigued by my friend Lindsey's tales of Parisian gym culture, I have asked her to…Elena RossiniFebruary 3, 2010
advertisingfeminismmediatelevisionTV commercials The Evolution of Beauty Commercials: Once Upon a Time… Media messages directed at women and advertisements for beauty products have changed significantly in the…Elena RossiniDecember 3, 2009
advertisingbadvertisingbillboardsdiscriminationexploitationmenobjectification Objectification, Amsterdam Style Last week, I was in Amsterdam for IDFA – the biggest film festival in the…Elena RossiniNovember 30, 2009
change for the betterchildrenconsumerismcontradictory-messagescorporate hypocrisyhidden propagandaKGOYnew marketssexismtoys Color Apartheid & Gender Polarization: Why Pink Stinks The UK Telegraph recently ran an article about Pink Stinks, an organization founded by my…Elena RossiniNovember 30, 2009
adbustingadvertisingbadvertisingcorporate hypocrisymediatelevisionTV commercials Yet Another Misleading Ad by L’Oreal? This TV commercial for "L'Oréal Elvive Full Restore 5" shampoo and conditioner has drawn criticism…Elena RossiniNovember 22, 2009
airbrushingbodycensorshipcontradictory-messagescorporate hypocrisyexploitationhidden propagandaimage manipulationmediaprintself-imagetwitterwomen's magazines Was She or Wasn't She? Demi Moore and the Controversial W Cover From Although Demi Moore has denied that her W cover was dramatically Photoshopped to…Elena RossiniNovember 21, 2009
"The Illusionists" documentaryadbustingchange for the betterfeminisminspiring women Video: "Barbie Eat a Sandwich" This song would be just about brilliant for the Illusionists docu soundtrack! The Care Bears…Elena RossiniNovember 19, 2009