advertisingchange for the betterfeminism Inspiring Ads: Dare My friend Patricia recently showed me this beautiful ad for clothing company Saga: It gave…Elena RossiniJune 9, 2011
bodyhidden propagandaresearchself-image Beauty Is The Beast Because beauty is an ideal, an absolute, such as truth and goodness, the pursuit of…Elena RossiniJune 7, 2011
bodychange for the betterfeminisminspiring womenself-imageteenagers WeStopHate: A Grassroots Movement to Improve “Teen-Esteem” A guest post by Emily-Anne Rigal, the 17-year-old founder of, a grassroots movement to…Elena RossiniMay 31, 2011
advertisingbadvertisingbodydietingprint ads Incredible Vintage Ads: Portable Sauna for Weight Loss The other day I stumbled upon an old issue of French Elle from 1964, which…Elena RossiniMay 28, 2011
advertisingbadvertisingbodychange for the betterconsumerismobjectificationself-image Women’s Financial Power: Buying Change With increasing spending power for women comes an opportunity to influence many aspects of our…Elena RossiniMay 25, 2011
change for the bettereventsmediapolitics French Women Rise Up, Attacking Sexist Reactions to the DSK Case This Sunday afternoon, May 22nd, hundreds of men and women gathered in a square by…Elena RossiniMay 22, 2011
advertisingbadvertisingsubliminal advertising Ads & the City: A Walk Through Milan, Italy Ideal bodies in Milan's street ads: a far cry from the beauty ideals of yesteryear.Elena RossiniMay 20, 2011
advertisingbodyhairhidden propaganda Hair… a woman’s crowning glory? Glorious locks, shining tresses, Rapunzel, Goldilocks… Throughout history, and in fairy tales and legends, a…Elena RossiniMay 19, 2011
agingbodycorporate hypocrisydieting The Beauty Product of the Century Yesterday in Milan I spotted the beauty product of the century - tackling three issues…Elena RossiniMay 17, 2011