bodychildrenconsumerismhidden propagandaKGOYnew marketsself-imagetoys Toys Around the World Since I started working on The Illusionists, I have been paying close attention to the…Elena RossiniMay 5, 2010
agingairbrushingbodyfilm-mediahidden propagandaimage manipulationmediaprintself-imagetelevision The Quiet Revolution: Will Wrinkles Disappear from TV & Films? Two years ago a headline on caught my attention: "Hollywood Makeovers, Frame by Frame."…Elena RossiniApril 15, 2010
advertisingairbrushingbodychange for the betterimage manipulationprint adsself-image Britney Releases Unretouched Photos to Help Highlight Body Image Issues From the Daily Mail: Britney Spears has allowed the pre-airbrushed images from a shoot she…Elena RossiniApril 14, 2010
adbustingadvertisingageismagingairbrushingbodycorporate hypocrisyhidden propagandaimage manipulationmediaprintprint adsself-imageskinsubliminal advertisingwomen's magazines Marie Claire France: 100% Without Airbrushing* Over the course of the last year, the publishing industry has witnessed a backlash against…Elena RossiniApril 8, 2010
advertisingageismagingbadvertisingbodyprint adsskin Annals of Badvertising: Does Your Husband Look Younger than You Do? This anti-wrinkle ad from the 1920s invites women over the age of 30 to purchase…Elena RossiniApril 6, 2010
advertisingfilm-mediahidden propagandamedia NYTimes: “Before the Actors, Filmmakers Cast Products” Today's New York Times features an interesting article about the role of product placement in…Elena RossiniApril 5, 2010
bodychange for the betterdietingfashionhealthinspiring womenself-image Model Crystal Renn: "A size 12 rebel in a 0-sized world" I love that fashion lately has been embracing different body types and it only makes…Elena RossiniApril 1, 2010
advertisingbillboardsbodyexploitationinspiring womenobjectificationself-image Poking Fun at Objectification For other inspiring, thought provoking cartoons by Cathy Thorne, check out her website: everydaypeoplecartoons.comElena RossiniFebruary 9, 2010
bodychange for the betterinspiring womenself-image "Everyone Is Beautiful" – On Beauty & Self-Image By writer Katherine Center. The slideshow was inspired by Katherine's new novel "Everyone is Beautiful";…Elena RossiniFebruary 8, 2010